Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Feeding Mature Bulls

During the off-breeding season, mature bulls in moderate flesh can be maintained on spring and summer pasture. During the fall and winter feeding periods, mature bulls should be conditioned for breeding. The importance of having bulls in propercondition upon start of the breeding season cannot be over-emphasized. Herd bulls must be in good condition to be fertile and sexually active. In the fall, start feeding mature bulls hay or silage plus one pound of protein supplement before they start to lose weight. Mature bulls will consume daily amounts of feed equal to 1 1/2 to 3 percent of their body weight, depending upon condition and individuality. It is suggested to evaluate body condition score of bulls prior to the breeding season. A small amount of extra feed may be needed 60 days prior to the breeding season to get mature bulls in moderate condition. Five pounds of grain daily should be ample for most bulls; however, if a bull is lacking in condition, he may require as much as 15 to 25 pounds of grain per day. It is important to realize that "hard-keeping" bulls, which require excessive amounts of grain to maintain moderate body condition, will likely sire offspring that are also "hard-keepers" and probably should not be used for breeding due to the economics involved with feeding such animals.


Development and Management of Bulls
EDITED BY J.W. Lemaster and R.S. Sand

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