Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pen Area for Herd Bulls

Herd bulls should not be allowed to run with the cows the entire year. They should be kept in a separate enclosure during the non-breeding season. Plenty of exercise as well as a good feeding program is necessary if you expect bulls to stay strong and vigorous. Pastures or large paddocks are recommended as confinement areas for herd bulls. Bulls can be run separately or in a group. The practice of running bulls together is more economicaland saves labor; however, due to temperament, there can be more injuries when bulls are handled in this manner. This is particularly true when older bulls thathave not been raised as contemporaries are intermingled. Bulls should be grouped according to age so that their respective feed requirements can be met more easily. Good pasture is an ideal feed for bulls of any age. Therefore, well-fenced, clean, dry and productive pasture (about 2 acres per bull) will provide needed room for exercise and ideal grazing. These pastures or paddocks should provide adequate shade via trees or shelter and provide easy access to water and a free-choice mineral mix. It is also advantageous to locate these pastures at some distance from the open heifers and the cow herd during the off-breeding season.


Development and Management of Bulls
EDITED BY J.W. Lemaster and R.S. Sand

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